Quick Guide: Easy Digital Marketing Strategy Ideas for Launching your Startups

Nicky Cherian
June 24, 2024

Setting up your own startup is probably one of the most exciting things one can think of doing. The joy of watching it develop from just an idea on the drawing board to a full-fledged enterprise is second to not. Now that you have got it all together its time to let the world know you are out to make a splash or should we say an “Impression” online. But in an ocean of opportunity there is also intense competition which can sometimes be overwhelming especially for new companies so we asked the experts here at Medialso to give a few Digital Marketing tips for startups to kickstart their journey.

Brand Marketing in the Old days:

Back in the old days brand marketing was quite difficult especially if you were a startup, considering print, radio and television were your only means of advertising. Startups and small businesses could not afford newspaper ads let alone media buying such as Radio and TV commercial spots. With just the power of local flyers, wall posters and the good ol’word-of-mouth businesses and startups had to jostle their way to fame with the quality of their services and attractive prices. This also meant that their fame would be confined to the local area that they were servicing and could not expand in terms of brand visibility.

Easy Digital Marketing strategies to quick launch your brand:

Today the internet and search engines have levelled the playing field for brands who are aiming to achieve online visibility. A lot can be done in order to rank however to keep things fair, a few factors still remain prevalent and cannot be bypassed or manipulated like Domain Age and the domain score that is linked to the former. So, without further ado lets look at 5 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies that can help launch your brand in and easy and effective manner.

Get to know your Stats

Make sure you know as much as you can about your leads and your audience as it is key to helping you segment your audience. This will help you to direct your marketing resources in a much more effective manner when it comes to implementing Digital Marketing Strategies. Get into the analytical side of things gather date like

  • Who your audience is
  • What do they do
  • Where they live
  • Age and gender etc.

Using this you can dig deeper into each aspect with tools on the internet. Your marketing plan is only as good as the depth and quality of data you gather.

Create High Quality Content

Content is king and it stays that way for a reason. High quality content is imperative for online visibility and growth and Googles latest algorithm updates make it a top priority factor for SERP ranking. Compromising on content quality, usefulness and relevance will reflect on your ranking. Make sure your content is helpful to a viewer and relevant to your industry. Quality also matters when it comes to images and Videos as these play a very important role in ranking too.

Social Media Strategies

Social media is one of the easiest ways for brand promotion and recognition. But then while building a brand or a business is very different form managing your personal account. Every post, video, caption or hashtag reflects your brands image and how others will perceive it so being careful and planned is imperative.

Keep in mind there is no one-size-fits-all plan. What works for larger brands will not work for startups and what may work for one startup may not always work for your startup as it may not align with your industries, goals or target audience and ah hundred other factors. So always get Marketing Strategies tailored to your needs.

Harness the power of Email Marketing

Email Marketing is your ally especially when you are a startup as it is one of the most effective yet cost-effective ways you can increase your customer base loyal customers. It has an ROI ratio of 30:1 with the former being the investment and the latter a 30x return. Relying completely on social media will not give you the reach that you need because the algorithm caters to the needs of the user by showing them accounts and content they show an interest in or interact with. This makes your posts susceptible to being lost if the user starts interacting with content that’s not related with your business.

Email marketing is a powerful tool that helps market your brand with the option to connect with your audience on a personal level while still being able to pitch your brand. Best of all you have a way to always get back to them while being non-intrusive.

Broaden your reach Instantly with Paid Advertising

Paid Ads are very helpful in getting you instant visibility because they help your brand feature at the top of the page when the relevant keyword is used to search for the product service or name associated with your startup. However, you should be careful when choosing the appropriate keyword, and so adequate research should be conducted in order to optimize your marketing strategy. Just paying for space doesn’t do much if the right keywords are not used leading to disillusionment and frustration when results don’t show.

Search Engine Optimization is crucial for your Website:

Investing in SEO is something startups should never leave out because it’s the most effective way to get your website to rank on the search engine page free of cost. However, unlike PPC it is not a process that shows you immediate results as it takes time for the algorithm to do its magic. But the results are worth the time and effort as it guarantees visibility for your brand over time in the most credible manner i.e. via the approval Google’s algorithm itself.

Apart from that SEO also helps identify and solve a lot of underlying technical issues that may be weighing down on your websites ranking process while also being able to maintain website, content health and accelerate progress once your website starts to rank.

Create Compelling Video Content:

For startups in general trust is very important in order to generate business and nothing builds trust like a video that showcases who you are and how you engage with your audience. Once it resonates with your audience, it creates a relationship with them that makes them want to come to you for your product or service than anywhere else while also feeling compelled to tell others about it hence spreading brand awareness via word of mouth. Search engine algorithms also rank your website higher when you have video content on it as well especially if its good quality content.

Influencer Marketing

In the world of social media where viral video marketing is becoming more and more common influencers are a huge marketing hack that every start up should tap into. With the advent of social media platforms that promote video content the playing field has been leveled for almost anyone to make a name and a brand famous. Generally, the norm was to find a celebrity and run your ad on television however this method was expensive. Apart from this Influencers also have their own audience which allows you tap into potential warm leads from their audience all while you target a market increasing your social media engagement.


Every massive brand you use today began a small startup whose name that was never known. It took a lot of time and effort to build the stellar reputation we have all grown to respect and aspire for. Startups in today’s day and age have a lot of advantage in terms of the multiple marketing and branding avenues with various experts to guide them. Our advice? Collaborate with an End-to-End Digital Marketing Agency and let the experts take you through it all while you rest easy taking care of what matters to you

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